Various Persuasions Read online

Page 4

  I raised my eyebrows, knowing he didn’t have to worry about that at all. “Is that important to you? That I like the way you look naked?”

  “Well, yeah. Of course.”

  I walked around him, looking him over as he tracked me with his eyes. I reached out and put a hand on his cotton-covered buttock, making him start. I was just touching him to see how firm his ass felt and how jumpy he was. I needed to get a read on whether he was okay with me touching him in general.

  When our eyes met, I gave him my full smile finally. “I don’t think you have to worry about that.”


  “I think you have an amazing body.”

  “Oh, thank God. Really?”

  I laughed. He seemed so desperate for approval. “Yeah, really.”

  “But you said you’re mostly attracted to women.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “I’ve mostly dated women, had sex with women, but that doesn’t mean I’m not attracted to men. I’m very attracted to some men. It just depends. I usually don’t pursue men and they generally don’t pursue me, for whatever reason. Probably because of the way I look.”

  “You look amazing to me. I think you’re incredibly hot.” He glanced down at himself. “Obviously.”

  “That”—I gestured to his hard-on—“could just be from the situation.”

  “It’s not.”

  “I see.”

  He looked worried again. “Is it a problem that I find you so hot?”

  I circled him again. He followed my gaze as I looked him over then sat down.

  “Hmm-m, I don’t think I have a problem with it.” I took a sip from my mug, still examining him—the spread of his shoulders, the flat planes of his stomach, the trail of dark hair leading into his boxer briefs. “You can take the briefs off now.”

  The blush rose in his cheeks. He hooked his thumbs under the waistband and lifted it over his arching cock, pushing the cotton briefs down his legs and stepping out of them. Pretending not to notice me, he folded them and placed them carefully on the chair.

  “Did you find Daphne hot?” It was a crazy, stupid question and I didn’t know why I’d asked it. Everyone found Daphne hot. She was sex personified. But I was curious. Maybe that had been the problem.

  He turned to face me and didn’t seem to know what to do with his hands. They hung awkwardly at his sides while his beautiful cock jutted slightly left toward his belly, the tip protruding sleekly from his foreskin.

  “Hands behind your head. Feet spread apart.” I nodded when he moved into the correct stance. “This is the display position. When I ask you to display, this is how you’ll stand. Got it?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “When you are here, you are here for my enjoyment. You will be naked if I require it or you will be dressed in what I want you to wear.”

  He breathed in and out quickly and I saw his cock twitch.

  “Now answer my question.”

  “About Daphne?”


  “I mean, I did at first. How could I not?”


  “But the more we got into the sex play, I realized she didn’t really do it for me. But it didn’t matter because”—he looked down at his cock and shrugged, gazing up at me bashfully—“I don’t really have a problem getting hard at the drop of a hat. Submission is a huge turn-on for me, even without the direct sexual component.”

  “I’m starting to realize that.”

  “So, I mean, she could get me off just by telling me to do stuff, stuff that made me uncomfortable, stuff that made me feel objectified. I like that a lot.”

  “Objectification. Humiliation?”

  “Sure. Sometimes. I’m more into straight-out objectification, really. I don’t need to be name-called or shamed or anything, just treated like an object.” He glanced at me shyly. “A pretty object that she used for her pleasure without any regard to how it was responding. Kind of takes the pressure off, you know?”

  I did know. “Sure. Lots of people enjoy objectification.”

  He stared at the ceiling for a moment, looked back at me. “I’m kind of into medical kink.”


  “It’s the objectification thing. Having to submit to personal examinations. Feeling like I’m not supposed to be aroused, but I am.”

  Our eyes locked and I felt time stop while I considered this. Maybe Daphne was right and he was just what I needed. Maybe I was what he needed.

  I stood up suddenly. “I want to take you shopping,” I said, backing out of the room. “Get dressed. We’re going to the mall.”

  Chapter Four

  When I got back to the kitchen he was waiting for me, dressed again and sitting in the chair. When I entered the room, he stood.

  “Ready?” I asked.


  We put on boots and jackets and I locked the door behind us. Then I handed him my keys. “We’ll take my car. You drive.”

  He seemed surprised but all he said was, “Yes, Sir,” and walked to the driver’s side of my Honda CRV. He stood there looking at the key fob and the car door, perplexed.

  “Touch the circle on the door handle.”

  He did and the car made a beep as it unlocked. “Holy shit, that’s so cool,” he said, sounding like a ten-year-old. I loved him for it.

  “Modern technology.”

  “So cool,” he repeated as he got in and I joined him on the passenger side. I laughed as he looked for the ignition and held the fob up with a questioning look.

  “Press the button.” I pointed to the ignition button. “The car knows you have the key and it will start.”

  “Holy fucking shit,” he said, and pushed the button. He laughed when the car roared to life. “That is the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever…”

  “You can adjust the seat. There are buttons at the side there.”

  We spent some time getting him fitted, and I even had him save his settings as Driver 2. He was having so much fun that I’d definitely let him drive this car again.

  “Where are we going, Sir?” he asked, a broad smile on his handsome face and something inside me melted, despite all of my walls.

  “Hmm. Is there a La Senza at the Rideau Centre?”

  He froze in the act of shifting into reverse. The smile faded as his face flushed a deep pink.

  “I don’t wear lingerie,” I explained, “so we need to buy some. Because I’m putting you in lingerie as soon as possible, Vincent.”

  His mouth dropped open and his breaths came out in frantic little huffs. He nodded but looked straight ahead. I stared at him until he slid his eyes to me and whispered, “Yes.”

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, there’s a La Senza at the Rideau Centre.”

  “Good. Then that’s where we’re going.”

  He sighed as a shudder passed through his whole body. “Yes, Sir.”

  * * * *

  He was a good driver. Excellent, in fact. I was only nervous for the first few minutes because one never knew. But it was always good to find out.

  We parked in the underground parking garage and walked up the steps to the main floor. “Check the directory,” I said, pointing to it.

  He did so and found the popular lingerie store on Level Two. We took the escalator up to that level and made our way there. He slowed as we got nearer.

  “Have you ever shopped for lingerie in person? And you don’t have to do the ‘Sir’ thing in public, unless I specifically request it,” I said, knowing what his answer would be.




  “How convenient and unadventurous.”

  He stared at me and I got that he thought ordering lingerie online to wear for kicks was pretty adventurous. I grinned, because it wasn’t nearly as adventurous as I’d like him to be. Clearly, since I’d brought him here.

  He challenged me. “Have you?”

  My grin got bigger. “As a matter of f
act, I have. I like to buy pretty things for other people to wear.”

  He blushed. “Okay, fine.”

  “Come with me,” I said, taking his hand and leading him into the store. He was surprised and, honestly, so was I, but I liked the feel of his hand in mine and he didn’t pull away. He seemed reassured and that was good. I was here to take care of him as well as to push his boundaries.

  We walked in together and I was pretty sure the store clerk did a double take, because we looked like two guys holding hands. I generally passed for male. Sometimes I forgot that I didn’t actually have a dick and balls, but the world had a way of reminding me. Not that I wanted a dick and balls… They were cumbersome at the very least, and so vulnerable.

  “Hi there,” she said, glancing at our joined hands and giving us a genuine smile. “Can I help you with anything?”

  Vincent looked panicked but I squeezed his hand before letting it go and answering the sales associate. “Not at the moment. We’re just going to look around.”

  “Okay. Let me know if you have any questions.” She left us to ourselves and I led Vincent past the sale bins and to the back of the store where the nicer lingerie was kept. I stopped in front of several display racks and said, “Show me what you like, Vincent.”

  He looked rather pale and I knew this was difficult for him, but I wanted to see how far he’d go with me, how far he’d trust me, when we were only talking about a little kinky shopping. There were much more interesting things I wanted to do to push his boundaries but we needed to start small.

  He looked at the rack nearest him. It contained a display of black teddies, with a bunch of lacy camisoles on the next rack. His eyes passed over those and went to the next rack with red slips and nightdresses. Nothing so far.

  But when he looked at the rack beside it, his eyes lit up and he fixed on the lacy boy shorts in soft pink and baby blue. Then he looked at me.

  “Those.” It was the softest whisper.

  I reached out and took a pair of the pink ones down. “These?”

  He nodded, flitting his gaze around to see if anyone was watching.

  “Very nice. The color will look lovely on you.”

  He blushed and seemed to be visibly trembling. Now that I knew the colors he liked and that lace was a go, I looked around a bit myself. I found a lace camisole with spaghetti straps in a matching pink and took it down. I held it in front of him with the panties and raised my eyebrows in question.

  He nodded. I smiled. On impulse, I grabbed the same items in baby blue because I thought he’d look great in either color and I’d want to change things up now and then.

  “You’re going to be my very pretty boy, aren’t you?” I whispered to him, leaning so close that my breath surely tickled his ear.

  “Oh God,” he said, and I almost felt the energy pulsing inside him. His jeans were tight and his face was flushed.

  “Come on. Let’s pay for these,” I said.

  He followed me silently to the counter. I knew he was embarrassed, wondering what the other customers were thinking and what the sales associate would say when she rang them up.

  He grabbed my elbow before we got to the desk. “I can’t do this.”

  “Yes, you can. It’s nobody’s business who these are for. They could be for your girlfriend and I’m helping pick them out.”

  He seemed to calm down. I didn’t tell him that his obvious embarrassment was giving him away more than anything else.

  “We’ll take these,” I said, laying them gently on the counter.

  “Great!” the sales associate said cheerily. “Oh, those are so pretty! That’s from my favorite collection.” She smiled warmly at Vincent and I felt a surge of jealousy rise up unexpectedly inside me. “Your girlfriend will love them!”

  I could see she was fishing for information and I was kind of appalled at her blatant assumption, so the next thing to come out of my mouth was, “They’re for me.”

  Both Vincent and the sales associate stared at me. But the smile that emerged on Vincent’s face and the confused look on the sales associate’s were worth it. The sales associate laughed as if I were joking, and scanned the items. Then Vincent surprised me.

  “He’s going to look so sexy in those,” he said, with only a slight stutter and a cheeky glance my way. I couldn’t help smiling at him as my heart did a little flutter. I stamped it out like it was a pesky mosquito and asked for a bag.

  “Of course,” the sales associate said, blushing furiously and acting uncomfortable. I loved what Vincent had just done more than I loved the fact that he was going to be wearing those lacy undergarments all afternoon if I had my way—maybe every time he came over. Maybe I’d buy more so he would never have an excuse not to wear something lacy and soft. I decided to change my No underwear rule to Only lacy underwear. Just for him.

  And this little exchange told me a couple of things. He wasn’t embarrassed to be mistaken for a gay guy, and he wasn’t embarrassed to be with me, even though I looked like a gay guy. Not that there was specifically a gay-guy look, but I was feminine enough to not be mistaken for a straight guy.

  He was only embarrassed about the fact that the lingerie was for him. There was a deep-seated shame there that I planned to explore. And exploit? Well, sure, and teach him there was absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

  “You hungry?” I asked, seeing that it was close to lunchtime.

  “Yeah. The food court’s pretty good here.”

  “What do you like to get usually?”

  “New York Fries. Or A&W.”

  “Let’s go. It’s on me.”

  “No, Nic, I can’t let you pay for—”

  I stopped dead and turned, pinning him with my most Dominant gaze.

  “Oh shit,” he said breathlessly and I almost saw the jolt go from his eyes to his cock.

  My voice was like steel. “You can’t let me? You can’t let me do what?”

  He shook his head and licked his lips. “Never mind. Thank you, Sir. I’m starving.”

  I nodded. “That’s better. Come on.”

  He followed me to the food court where I pointed to an empty table. “Sit down and wait for me.”

  He slid into a chair, holding his La Senza bag tightly on his lap, as if he would fight anyone who tried to take it from him.

  As I walked to the New York Fries booth, I felt something inside me that resembled the closest thing to happiness I’d experienced in months. Maybe years?

  Zane and I had parted ways months before, but maybe I’d never been happy with him. I had thought I was. But this was…different. This was pure.

  There was plenty of time for it to crash and burn, so I tried not to put too much importance on how I was feeling right this minute. But I liked it.

  I went back to the table with two orders of fries and drinks. I knew it wasn’t very healthy but, hey, we had to live a little. This was kind of a special occasion. At least, it felt like one.

  There was a woman sitting in my seat across from Vincent when I got back to the table and I felt my skin prickle and my insides twist. God, was I jealous already? I tamped that down and plastered a fake smile on my face.

  “Hello,” I said, my voice cool.

  Vincent stood up, still clutching his bag of pretty things. “Nic, this is Lilly. She was in my accounting class in University.” He seemed uncomfortable but it could have been because he was holding a bag of lacy unmentionables that his new gender-fluid Dom had bought him.

  But Lilly gave me a look I didn’t like—condescending and proprietary at once. She was pretty, annoyingly pretty, with long red hair and expensive clothes. “Hi.”

  I smiled and aimed mental daggers at her. “That’s my chair.”

  She seemed taken aback. “Oh, sure. I just sat down for a second to catch up with Vincent.” She stood and moved out of my way.

  That’s right, bitch. Get away from my pretty boy.

  I placed Vincent’s fries and drink in front of him without telling him to s
it down, which would have sounded strange to Lilly and probably would have embarrassed Vincent. Luckily, he sat and picked up his fork, giving Lilly a perfunctory smile.

  I took my seat, ignoring her, and began to eat.

  “So, Vincent, It’s great to see you again,” Lilly said, standing beside us.

  “Yeah. Nice to see you, too.” I could tell he didn’t especially like her either, but, like most people, he was a prisoner of a social convention that dictated he needed to be polite in this awkward situation. I, on the other hand, was not.

  I ignored her and asked Vincent how the fries tasted.

  “Really good. Thanks.”

  Lilly tried engaging me this time. “Vincent and I know each other from way back. He helped me a lot with the accounting assignments in school.”

  “That seems like something Vincent would do. He’s very accommodating.” I grinned at Vincent and he squirmed a little.

  Lilly laughed. “Yeah, he’s a super-nice guy.”

  “Super nice,” I echoed, chewing on a French fry and trying not to laugh at the way he was looking at me.

  “I wonder if I can find another chair somewhere,” she said, looking around at nearby tables.

  “Actually,” I said, as Vincent’s eyes widened, “if you don’t mind, we’d like to eat our lunch together without an audience.”

  He blinked, like he couldn’t believe I’d just said that. But it was true and I believed in honesty above all.

  Lilly seemed shocked also. I smiled at her as I waited for her to leave us alone.

  “Oh, okay, whatever,” she said, throwing a deprecating look my way and turning to address Vincent.

  “Give me a call sometime, okay? I’d love to reconnect with you,” she said, glancing my way disdainfully. “When you’re not busy.”

  Oh, if eyes could have shoveled shit, she’d have been burying me in it.

  Vincent smiled. “Sure,” he said. Then, “Bye.”

  And I loved him for it.

  She nodded, “Okay, bye,” and finally took off.

  I kept eating my fries, not saying anything.

  “I’m sorry,” Vincent said.