A Spoonful of Sugar Page 3
“Oh my, Mr. Vernier,” Dr. Griffin said.
I heard the grin in his voice as I felt his gloved fingers on my cock.
“At least a part of you is enjoying this.”
I whimpered again, and now it was a battle to keep my ass closed as pleasure spiked through my body from Jericho’s touch. I had no doubt this was a deliberate attempt to make my task more difficult.
“Keep that water in, please. I don’t want a shit tsunami in my office.”
I would have laughed, except I really wanted to keep that water in. Because if I let go before Dr. Griffin allowed me, the mess would be unpleasant. And I really didn’t want to embarrass myself further.
“Yes, Doctor,” I said, feeling the beginnings of discomfort as my bowel decided it was done and wanted the water out. I squirmed and panted.
“Are you having difficulty, Mr. Vernier?”
“A little. I feel like I need to go.”
“I see. That will happen, it’s true. I’d like you to hold on to the water, though. The longer it’s in there, the cleaner you’ll be when it all comes out.”
I clenched tighter and nodded in obedience.
“Pascal, can you please help the patient? Mr. Vernier, I’m going to have you stand beside the exam table. I’d like to perform a brief inspection before I send you to the bathroom.”
Chapter Two
A brief inspection?
Pascal helped me off the table, and I stood in front of Dr. Griffin. The discomfort I was beginning to experience must have been evident from my facial expression.
“Only a few more minutes, Mr. Vernier, then Pascal will escort you to the bathroom.”
“Fuck. Jesus Christ,” I said, feeling out of my depth and completely at Jericho’s mercy.
I suffered for him. At the same time, the submission and the sensation of fullness, as uncomfortable as it was beginning to be, aroused me. My dick stood tall as Dr. Griffin lifted the blue robe to examine it.
“Don’t be concerned. Many patients find themselves aroused when receiving an enema. The sense of being filled is something quite a few people enjoy.”
I couldn’t look at him. I stared at the floor as he stroked my cock and fondled my balls, and I struggled to keep my ass closed, even though it was becoming more and more difficult.
“Turn around, please.”
I forced myself to turn, although any movement at this point was agony, as my guts simply wanted to empty.
“Bend over at the waist, please. You can hold on to the exam table if you need to.”
Oh God.
Slowly, so slowly—in order that the sudden change in position wouldn’t cause my asshole to leak—and clamping the muscle tighter, I bent at the waist and presented myself to Jericho.
“Fuck,” I said again.
“One day, I will fuck you with your bowels full of water. But it will be clean water, because I will repeat this same procedure until you are empty of anything distasteful before I do it.”
While stating all this in a deceptively disinterested fashion, Jericho stroked my clenched hole with his fingers, making it even more difficult to keep it shut, and causing pleasant sensations to snake up my back and down to my balls.
I felt faint at that suggestion, and Pascal cleared his throat. “Is that a recommended medical procedure, Dr. Griffin?”
“It is in this office, Pascal.”
“I can’t hold it, Doctor. I can’t hold it much longer,” I said, my voice high-pitched with desperation.
Someone’s warm hand rested on the small of my back.
“All right. Pascal, take Mr. Vernier to the bathroom, please.”
“Yes, Doctor.”
Pascal approached and gently took my arm. But I didn’t want to move. I was scared that if I took a step, the game would be lost.
“Jericho,” I moaned.
“Hey, Scott, take small steps and concentrate. You can do it,” Pascal encouraged as Jericho threw me a thumbs up that almost broke me.
Fuck. It was easy to be cavalier when he wasn’t the one with a gut full of warm water that was going to become like Niagara Falls at any moment.
I nodded and, with Pascal’s help, slowly moved out of the ‘office’ and down the hall, stopping whenever I thought my sphincter would give way, but eventually making it inside the bathroom.
“Close the door!” I shouted as I moved quickly to sit on the toilet. I heard laughter, then I was alone. My exhausted anus relaxed, and an unholy groan escaped my throat as the rush of water blasted into the bowl. It came out in powerful bursts, accompanied by loud, gaseous eruptions that mortified me. But there wasn’t a horrible smell, which made me feel somewhat better, as did the euphoric sensation of relief that accompanied the purging.
There was a knock on the door.
“I’m not done!” I said.
“I was going to suggest you stay on the toilet for about ten minutes, to make sure everything is out.” Pascal murmured.
“Yes. Of course. Thank you.”
“Feeling better?”
“Yes. Much.”
He chuckled. “Dr. Griffin says you’d better not jerk off in there.”
I had honestly been contemplating it, since I had the time, and my dick was hard from the pleasure of this game.
When Pascal took me back to the exam room after I made sure I was, indeed, done, and had wiped myself clean with a warm cloth, Dr. Griffin was waiting.
“On your back this time,” Dr. Griffin ordered, and I obeyed, happy to lie back and relax for the first time all day. Pascal lifted my feet into the stirrups. The sense of peace disintegrated when I felt the lubed nozzle at my hole once again.
“What? I thought we were done?” I protested feebly.
Dr. Griffin gave me a lovely smile, as if I’d asked him to afternoon tea instead of challenging his plan for the afternoon. “We are almost done. I’m going to fill you partway this time. Then I’m going to jerk you off while you hold the water inside yourself.”
“Uh…” I said, looking to Pascal for help.
Pascal beamed. “Yippee.”
I returned my panicked gaze to Dr. Griffin.
“You’ll find,” he said, as he carefully inserted the lubed nozzle and played with my hole for a bit, “that holding a bit of water—enough to fill your rectum but not extend deeper into the bowel—will add to your sexual arousal and make your orgasm much more intense.”
“Oh? Really?” Was that true? It seemed like it might be. I had to assume Jericho knew of that which he spoke.
“Would you let me prove it to you?”
“Okay. Sure. I’ve gone this far.”
“Excellent. You really are the most agreeable patient, Mr. Vernier.”
“Well, you really are the most sadistic medical practitioner, Dr. Griffin. It seems I have a thing for sadism.”
“It seems you do—or at least for humiliation. I’m very much enjoying this.”
“I can tell.”
He laughed. “Okay. Here comes some water. Just a little.”
He squeezed the enema bag to push enough water into my rectum, then extracted the nozzle and had me clench to hold the liquid inside. It wasn’t as difficult as holding the full gut-load, and the pleasant sensation was enough to keep things interesting as Jericho lubed his gloved hand and wrapped it around my erection.
“Close your eyes, Mr. Vernier. I’m not going to let you come yet, but focus on the how you are feeling, and we’ll see how desperate we can get you.”
Oh God.
I did as he asked, my eyes closed as he stroked and jerked my cock and fondled my balls, frequently reaching down to stroke my clenched hole as I whimpered with the need to release. It wasn’t as difficult as holding in the massive amount he’d filled me with earlier, but it had its own challenges now that he was teasing and edging me.
“You have excellent control, Mr. Vernier,” Jericho said as he increased his rhythm.
“Oh…fuck,” I groaned, clutching the edges of the exam table as Dr. Griffin stroked me back and forth, his movements steady and strong.
“Pascal, take over for me, will you?”
Pascal moved in and took over the manipulation of my penis from Dr. Griffin, who put all his focus into teasing around my clenched hole.
“So tight. Keep that muscle tight, Mr. Vernier. You don’t want any water to leak out before you come.”
“When…when can I come, Dr. Griffin?” I panted as Pascal stroked my cock with long, slow, tortuous movements. I’d been teetering on the edge for what seemed like a long time.
“Not yet. I want to see if I can put a finger in there without you losing all this water.”
“What?” I panted, my eyes flying open. “What!”
He smiled and circled my hole with his gloved finger, and I felt the urge to relax it.
But if I relaxed it, the water would come out.
I didn’t know what to do. My dick thought all of this was incredibly exciting, and I felt even closer to coming. But Pascal kept his strokes slow, and not quite enough to bring me there.
“I have faith in you, Mr. Vernier. You’ll need to relax the muscle enough to allow my finger in, but not enough to let all the water leak out. I have a bucket underneath in case it does, but I want you to try to keep it inside.”
Jericho’s slim finger nudged at my hole, and I took a deep breath, then relaxed the tight muscle ever so slightly, until the slender digit slid in a short distance.
“Very good. That’s excellent control.”
A trickle of water escaped, but I was able to keep in most of it. I clenched hard around the invasion as Jericho pushed his finger in farther.
“Oh God!” I cried out. The sensation was unbelievab
le. The fullness accompanied by the sensation of being massaged made my eyes roll back in my head. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck!”
I heard Jericho chuckle and say, “Now, Pascal.”
Pascal began to hasten his strokes ever so slightly on my erection in a way that made me struggle to hold back.
“I can’t—help—I can’t—” I tried not to squirm on the exam table as my body was manipulated so expertly.
“You can come now, if you’d like,” Dr. Griffin said.
Two more firm pulls were all it took.
I screamed as my cock shot streams of warm jizz onto my belly and chest. My sphincter clamped down on Jericho’s finger as my rectum convulsed with pleasure. The intensity of an anal orgasm simultaneous with a penile one caused the most unholy sounds to come out of my throat. Waves of ecstasy surged through me as I held on to the sides of the table for dear life.
Jericho took his finger from my body, and I felt water surge out, the sensation bringing even more convulsions as my orgasm went on and on. The soft sounds of water splashing into the bucket simply added to the illicit and shameful bliss. I was completely powerless to protest or control any of it.
“Oh, my fucking God. Oh my God. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.”
Jericho and Pascal stroked my thighs and belly to bring me down from the intense heights of my orgasm. When I finally opened my eyes, it was to see smiling, happy faces regarding me with affection and amusement.
“How was that, Mr. Vernier?” Jericho asked.
I shook my head and closed my eyes again, as I pried my fingers from the exam bench and gave them a shaky thumbs up.
“Excellent. When you feel able to stand, we’ll take you somewhere more comfortable to recover.”
While they waited for me to compose myself, Pascal wiped me down with a warm cloth then disposed of the contents of the bucket. They helped me down from the table and took me to their bedroom, where they removed the cloth gown and tucked me into the bed beneath clean, fresh-smelling sheets.
“Rest now. We’ll check on you every now and then, and wake you in an hour or so,” Jericho told me.
I said, “Okay,” and let dreamland claim me.
* * * *
When I opened my eyes next, it was to Jericho’s smiling face holding a glass of water.
“Hey there, sleepyhead. Wakey. I brought you a glass of water.”
I lifted myself up on my elbow. “What time is it?”
“Suppertime. Pascal’s made a vegetarian stir-fry. We’re eating light so we can play again after supper, if you’re up to it?”
“Sure.” I took the glass of water and sipped. “That was pretty fucking epic, what we did earlier.”
“I’m glad you liked it.”
“I hated parts of it. But apparently love and hate are two sides of the same coin when it comes to kink scenes.”
“Touché.” Jericho’s smile broadened.
I narrowed my eyes for a second. “Was that a—a preparatory clean-out or just fun for you?”
Jericho chuckled but shook his head. “Consider it merely an intensive plumbing exercise for your overall health.”
“You bastard.”
He bowed. “At your service.”
I got dressed in a pair of sweats and a T-shirt then joined Jericho and Pascal in their kitchen, where we ate Pascal’s delicious stir-fry standing at the counter.
“You ready for Christmas, Scott?”
I shrugged. “Sure. Everything’s wrapped, and I’m getting together with the family on the weekend following. We don’t really expect to see each other on the twenty-fifth anymore. There’s only my brother and his wife with small kids, and they do their own thing on the big day.”
Jericho nodded. “I dropped off gifts to my niece and nephew that they can open at home, but I don’t have plans to visit until the week of New Year’s.”
Pascal nodded. “I need to pop over to my sister’s for a few hours on Boxing Day to deliver gifts and have a coffee, but other than that, I’m a free agent. Finally.” He sighed. “I’m so glad I got my assignment in. I’ll have time to study for the big exam in January, but I am done with school for a couple of weeks.”
“Hmm. School. I’m suddenly thinking about a little student-teacher role play,” Jericho mused.
Pascal gave him a smirk. “Why? You want to paddle my pretty ass or bend me over a desk?”
Jericho rubbed his chin. “Not sure yet. Let me think on it.”
“You know we don’t do that to our students anymore,” I joked, flushing at the idea.
“Oh, I know,” Jericho said. “Which makes it even more fun to pretend.”
I raised my eyebrows. “So, you’re not only a pretend doctor? You’re a pretend professor, too?”
Jericho grinned and leaned in, taking my chin in his hand. “Honey, I can be whatever you need me to be.”
He held my gaze and licked his lips, then released me and forked more rice and vegetables into his mouth, chewing slowly and thoughtfully.
My heart rate quickened as I imagined playing multiple scenes with Jericho and Pascal over the next few months. I honestly couldn’t think of anything better.
We finished our light meal and sat down in the living room to discuss where we wanted to take things that evening.
“If you two are on board with some student-teacher play, I wouldn’t mind exploring that. Or we can go back to the exam room for more medical kink. I’m flexible,” Jericho said.
I chuckled. “Of that, I have no doubt. I’m sure you can think of ways to debase me in multiple scenarios.”
He smiled.
“Thank God you’re here, Scott,” Pascal said, shaking his head. “With only me on hand, it’s been quite the journey with this creative kinkster. I’m glad to share the wealth with someone so accommodating.”
I blushed. “Thanks. Look… I know you already told me that I’m more than a casual fuck,” I said. “But am I—I mean, can I consider myself—fuck, I don’t even know how to ask.”
Pascal rose from his seat on the couch and approached me. “You are a part of our relationship, Scott. A new part, but, yeah, of course you’re a part of it.” He glanced at Jericho before kissing me on the lips. I was surprised and touched by the tenderness with which he pressed his lips to mine and the way his hand rested softly against my neck. He pulled back and kissed my cheek before stepping away and glancing at Jericho, who now stepped forward and kissed me just as deliberately.
“Wow,” I said, when he pulled away. I touched my lip. “Thanks for that…reassurance.”
He laughed. “You don’t have to thank us, Scott. You put as much into this arrangement as we do.”
I gave them a skeptical look. “Do I? I kind of show up and let you do whatever you want.”
The grins on the two of them made me laugh.
“Uh, yeah. You are exactly what we need, Scott,” Pascal said, like it should be obvious. “We’re so kinky, and it’s nice to have a third person to help ‘distribute the activities’, shall we say? I’m not always up for medical play, and Jericho’s not always available for the puppy stuff, so it’s great to have someone else to be with. At least, that’s how I feel. Jericho?”
Jericho had perched on the edge of the sofa. “Exactly. But at this point, it’s not only the kink and the sex. I think we’ve found a good friend, at least, if not an additional romantic partner? I mean, I don’t know what you think about that, Scott?”
My mouth went dry. “About…what, exactly?”
Jericho glanced at Pascal, who nodded. “We were going to wait until Christmas Day. I don’t know if you want to be a part of our relationship but we’d like to formally invite you in—as a boyfriend, a partner, a third. If not, that’s fine. We can still be casually kinky. It’s up to you.”
Pascal nodded. “But the two of us are feeling like we’re already becoming three, as more than solely sex partners.”
Jericho held up his hand. “We’re not asking you to move in here or anything. We don’t have the space. But if you wanted to consider yourself a part of our relationship…well, we already do.”
I didn’t know what to say.
“Yes…to all of that. Absolutely.”
Jericho nodded and clapped his hands together. “Excellent. Well, now that that’s settled, who’s up for some play time with Professor Griffin?”
Pascal raised his hand. “We are, Sir. Where would you like to conduct our class?”
And game on. It’s time for some kinky schooling.